“The reactor had flooded the desolate moon with gallon after gallon of irradiated water. No life had ever been detected on the celestial body; a trait that made it the optimal locale for project Phi-X5. The team of Jokaero engineers running the experiments had been sealed in their self-sustaining habitat for generations. None of them had ever seen the natural light of day.
It was the 5th cycle of generation foxtrot when the hab erupted. The experiments, the data, and engineers were all but consumed.
The slick sound of oozing vegetation abruptly roused Otto back to consciousness. The sole survivor of Project Phi-X5 was horrified by his first glance at life outside of the Hab- the moon had transformed into a rotten nightmare of swampy plantmatter and putrified remains. In the centre of it all was a decrepit geometric machine sprouting writhing mechanical spines.
The Astartes had been sent to destroy the abomination. They were being slaughtered one by one in front of Otto’s eyes. Had his experiments driven this atrocity; this symbiotic fluorescence of plant and machine? In a flash of guilt and rage the Jokaero grabbed the Kill Team’s fallen explosives and improvised.
Otto was sure of only one thing; the mechanized daemon could not leave this moon.”