
  • Ana Polanšćak


    Ana hails from Zagreb, Croatia and makes miniatures and art as gardensofhecate.

  • Nicky Grillet

    JUDGE - On Hiatus

    Nicky is from Switzerland and makes minis and concept art. She’s known for her playful style and creating her eponymous portable diorama.

  • Matt Ross


    Matt is from the US, runs smashbash, and makes mins and art over at totally_not_panicking . Likes skulls

Big Support


Kathryn Crowell

Tends to gravitate towards bright color palettes and flesh-warping aesthetics in the vein of chaos. I also like skulls.


Adores baroque designs alien to current understandings of practicality as well as minimalist, evocative horrors that need not show too much.

Troy Nixey

a Canadian comic book artist and film director. He’s done many posters for Smashbash

The Prize Statue Sculptor


Hannes Rhodin

A sculptor by passion and trade. Unbalance, motion...kraken..midsummer blot inspires me. Also working on a board game.